The Complete Sheet Metal Bending Guide

OSCAM – Cutting Machine Line – Hydraulic Shear Range

Sheet metal bending is one of the most common operations. You can call it as folding, braking, flanging, die bending, and edging.

Sheet metal bending is when a single flat piece of metal is deformed through force. This force must be applied evenly across the workpiece to achieve a bend. The final result is a permanent change in the shape of the piece. Metal bracelets are just one example of what can be achieved with a simple sheet metal bending process.

But do you know? What are the most common bending methods? How to calculate bend allowance?

We will discuss all these questions in this blog and some bending tips. We would unfold every aspect of sheet metal bending.

sheet metal bending

Sheet Metal Bending Methods

Whether you have your own company that does lots of bending, or you’re a hobbyist who does it just for fun, you should always be looking for ways to improve the overall quality of your bending projects. It might not have occurred to you before, but there are multiple methods for bending sheet metal. And Each has its advantages. The problem is usually between accuracy or simplicity, while the latter gets more usage.

V-bending method 

The V-Bending method is the most common sheet metal bending method. This is because it is the most accessible workable sheet metal that can be usually completed in 2 or 3 steps. In this method, an instrument is a punch, and v-die gets bend sheet metals to a required angle. The bending punch presses on the sheet metal placed over the V-die. After that, The angle formed by the sheet metal depends upon the pressure point of the punch.

V-bending is used for most bending projects. Bending stock material to fit a contour of a pre-existing component is what a v-bend does. This method you can use in automotive fenders, grills, vans, trucks, and RVs.

The V-bending method can be classified into three:

  • Bottoming
  • Coining
  • Air Bending

Roll Bending Process

To bend sheet metals into rolls or curved shapes, you can use roll bending. The method employs a hydraulic press, a press brake, and three rollers to make different bends or a big round bend. This process forms cones, tubes, and hollow shapes.

U-Bending Process

The U-bending process is similar to the V-bending process. It uses the same instrument and method. The only difference is that the result in terms of the shape is U-shaped. U-bending is very famous. Moreover, other methods produce the form flexibly.

Wipe Bending Process

Wipe bending is a sheet metal working process used to create almost flawless bends. It is free of the double scarring found in taper dies. Wipe bending allows the metal shape using just one piece of metal. The wiping dies is possible. It enables the metal to shape and when in operation.

Rotary Bending Process

In the process of bending, scratching is produced by the tool. The rotary Bending Process does not lead to scratching the material’s surface. It is also ideal because it can bend materials into sharp corners. Therefore, it has become a must-know skill in sheet metal work workshops.

Sheet Metal Bending Allowance

So, what is bend allowance? Bend allowance is a manufacturing term that refers to the allocation given to accommodate sheet metal’s stretch and bending.

When sheet metal is bent from its original flat shape, its physical dimensions will change. The force employed to bend the material causes the material to compress and stretch on the inside and outside.

This deformation changes the sheet metal due to the exerted force of compression and stretching on the bend. The length calculated from the bend’s thickness between the inner surface and the exterior remains the same. And we called this a “neutral axis.”

Bend allowance examines the thickness of the bending angle, the method employed, and the K-factor. Bend allowance measures the compression ratio on the inside line of a bend to the tension on the outside of the bend.

sheet metal bending

Questions you may ask before bending a sheet metal

What is the best sheet metal bending method?

All sheet metal bending modes serves various purposes and produces multiple shapes. So, the best bending method depends on the material’s goal as per shape.

Is sheet metal easy to bend?

Bending steel plates is not that easy. But, with an understanding of the process, it can become manageable. Firstly, you need to understand the methods to use and the tools available. You can go over the article to get familiar with the process.


So that wraps up our discussion of different methods for bending sheet metal. Remember, though, that the correct solution to your particular problem will depend on the type of material you are using and the shape and size of your finished piece. If you have specific questions about these topics, don’t hesitate to contact us or another professional in your area!

Australian Business Awards Winners 2022

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We are Delahenty Machinery. We build the machines that build the world!

Kudos to the Team !! Delahenty Machinery are proud of their achievements and time spent in winning the award after being nominated Australian Industrial Businesses Magazine.

We are pleased to announce Delahenty Machinery have been awarded a silver award in the sixth edition of Australian Industrial Businesses Magazine for Bringing the most innovative industrial and manufacturing solutions to valued customers.

This award demonstrates our hard work and dedication to provide top quality customer service, product knowledge and outstanding machinery products. This is another reason why Delahenty Machinery has been growing as a business since 1964.

Moreover, The team from Delahenty machinery are pleased to have been awarded the silver award by Industry inMotion. And thankful too for this great article in Australian Industrial Businesses magazine.

Australian Business Awards Winners 2022

The 5 Most Popular Aluminium Alloys for CNC Machining

Aluminum Alloys

CNC machining is a great way to create parts without relying too much on the workforce. And aluminum is a popular choice of materials for CNC machining due to its density and flexibility. Its popularity has led to various aluminum alloys. It’s always interesting to learn more about the different options available in today’s market.

This article will explain the five most popular aluminum alloys for CNC machining in addition to some details about each alloy and its properties.

Aluminum Alloys for CNC Machining

Aluminum 6061-T6

At this point, it’s easy to see why 6061-T6 is one of the most popular aluminum alloys on the market and one of the standard grades for CNC machining. It offers a good balance between strength and machinability and tolerances that are typically quite close.

Referred to as an extruded alloy, it is very versatile and easy to machine in the CNC machining industry. Engineers can use this alloy in many applications like chassis, bicycle frames, valves, computer parts, etc.

Aluminum 7075-T6

7075-T6 aluminum, manufacturer uses this alloy in all applications with high-stress or high-performance requirements. This grade is considerably stronger and offers excellent corrosion resistance if appropriately treated. Manufacturers use this alloy in aerospace, military industries, and typical applications include aircraft fittings, missile parts, and fuse parts.

However, there are trade-offs to using aluminum 7075-T6. It is more expensive and less flexible than many other grades of aluminum alloys. And this grade of aluminum is more prone to cracking than different grades and has a lower elasticity.

Aluminum 2024-T4

2024-T4 aluminum is a standard aluminum alloy used in sheet, plate, and extrusions for various applications. This alloy is commonly found in welding electrodes and applications where components must have high purity and strength at elevated temperatures. The primary use for 2024-T4 is as an aerospace material.

Generally, you can use this type of alloy to include aircraft fuselage, transport vehicle parts, and wing tension members. However, it can be attacked by acids, alkalis, or seawater. It also has high thermal conductivity, which means it can be heat treated to form extremely brittle material.

Aluminum MIC 6

It is the best alloy to use to produce Stable and high-tolerance plates. Aluminum MIC 6 has a specific combination of alloy and casting methods, which is why it comes in a unique category.

This metal has higher strength-to-weight ratios, excellent accuracy, good elasticity, and excellent thermal stability while remaining relatively easy to the machine compared with other aluminum alloys.

There is one drawback also of this alloy. MIC 6 threads aren’t as strong, leading to early thread failure. Engineers should keep this limitation in mind during the material selection phase as a manufacturer.

Aluminum 6082 

Aluminum 6082 has a higher tensile strength. Further, it’s exceptionally corrosion-resistant. 6082 aluminum alloy is a good option for manufacturers who want more power at an affordable price.

Aluminum 6082 is promising for general-purpose applications that require an added degree of toughness. Aluminum 6082 material is popular in construction and preferable in bridges, towers, and trusses. However, product designers should remember that it’s daunting to get thin walls using aluminum 6082.

Aluminum Alloys for CNC Machining

Wrapping Up

Aluminum alloys 2024-T4, 7075-T6, and 6082 are best for high-performance applications, while 6061 and MIC 6 can be used in most cases where an all-purpose aluminum will suffice.

If you’re in the market for a CNC machining vendor, we hope that this guide will help you better understand what alloys suit for which applications. These analyses can be helpful to engineers across several industries and regions, helping them make educated decisions on what materials to choose when it comes time to purchase materials for their projects.

Delahenty Machinery

CNC machinery by Delahenty Machinery is the place to go for robust machines that can help your business flourish. Our machines are high-quality, and customer service is our top priority. If it’s time to buy a new CNC machine, check out our latest listings. 

What you should know about the alternatives to Aluminium in CNC Machining  

Aluminium in CNC Machining

Among CNC machining parts, Aluminum is the most common material due to its robustness. However, other materials like steel and brass can also be used for high-quality machining parts. With the heat treatment process, these materials can give excellent results. This blog will explain the merits of different alternatives to Aluminium in CNC machining.

Substitutes of Aluminium Metal



  • Strength
  • Temperature resistance


  • Machinability
  • Weight

Steel is a carbon- and iron-based alloy used as the primary material in most CNC parts. Steels are a high-strength, low-cost choice for high-stress applications and strong welds. Using CNC machining processes such as turning and milling, it is possible to create parts with exceptional strength.

However, compared with Aluminium, steel is heavier and not as malleable. If temperature resistance is an important consideration and weight is not, steel may be the best alternative to Aluminium.

Aluminium in CNC Machining



  • Strength-to-weight ratio


  • Cost

Titanium alloys are used primarily in aerospace reach a high level of resistance, high thermal stability, and strength. This type of metal has an exceptional strength-to-weight ratio. It has twice strong as Aluminium and four times more potent than stainless steel.

Due to its high strength-to-weight ratio, titanium is used in various industries, from aerospace and medical devices to sports equipment. However, the material is so costly if you look at the advantages mentioned above.

Titanium, like Aluminium, is a lightweight metal. It has roughly one-third the density of Aluminium. This makes titanium easier to work with and ideal in situations where strength is not an issue (such as a biaxial orthopedic joint prosthesis), but minimal weight is paramount.

Aluminium in CNC Machining



  • Machinability
  • Weight


  • Machining safety
  • Corrosion resistance

Magnesium is a lightweight metal alloy that is also non-ferrous. As with aluminum alloys, magnesium is light, easily cast, and machined. It makes it useful for many purposes, including marine hardware, intake manifolds, and engine casings.

Aluminium in CNC Machining



  • Some aesthetic applications


  • Cost

Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc which have a golden appearance when polished. It is popular in applications where machining time is an essential factor. Its machinability rate makes it suitable for high-volume orders. As a result, it is prevalent in applications like valves and nozzles.

Aluminium in CNC Machining



  • Electrical conductivity


  • Machinability

Copper is a malleable, ductile, and highly conductive metal with excellent thermal properties. These copper alloys have been used for more than two centuries in structural applications where both low weight and high strength are required.

Copper is often considered a poor choice for many applications due to challenges in forming and machining. However, several copper alloys offer similar machinability to popular aluminum grades.

Aluminium in CNC Machining



  • Electrical insulation
  • Low friction


  • Strength
  • Heat resistance

POM is one of the most exciting materials used in the manufacturing industry. It has a low melting point but has good strength.

POM is an electrical insulator suitable for parts like electronic enclosures. It is also ideal for mechanical parts in high consistency, wear, and abrasive-resistant applications.

However, you can use POM as a like-for-like replacement with Aluminium, where thermal and electrical conductivity has negligible importance.



  • Electrical insulation
  • Very low friction


  • Strength

PTFE is a widely used engineering plastic. PTFE has excellent chemical resistance and is an electrical insulator. Which makes it a perfect choice for use in industrial processes where exposure to chemicals and high temperatures are common.

During manufacturing, the performance of PTFE is enhanced by adding optional additives throughout the polymer matrix. PTFE is also resistant to high temperatures up to 260°C, making it a viable aluminum alternative for high-temperature applications.

Aluminium in CNC Machining



  • Medical use


  • Machinability
  • Cost

PEEK is more difficult to machine than aluminum alloys. But its thermal stability (up to 260°C) makes it a genuine alternative to Aluminium, with similar mechanical properties and temperature resistance. As a result, it is popular in parts like valves, bearings, pumps, and nozzles testify.

Aluminium in CNC Machining

Final Note

We hope you enjoyed reading the above article and that it has helped expand your knowledge of the alternatives to Aluminium when it comes to CNC machining. Whichever material you choose for your CNC machined parts, rest assured that you will have an experienced point of contact to help you prepare, machine, and finish your work.

If you are looking for robust CNC machinery, contact Delahenty Machinery for the best products.

The Ultimate Guide to Press Brake Tooling

Press Brake

What are Press Brake Tools ?

A press brake tooling is used for bending sheet and plate material that is already formed through pre-punched materials. In the past, engineers needed to operate it manually, but now we have automated specific models. This device is widely used in various industries such as automobile, aircraft manufacturing, light industry, shipbuilding, containers, elevators, railway vehicles, etc.

Press Brake Tooling 

The structure of the Press Brake Machine

  • Press brake machine is a free-standing CNC press, integral welding processing structure. The working range of the machine is as extensive as it can be. The maximum length of the mainframe can go up to 6000mm or so.
  • The mechanical outline structure of the Press Brake Machine mainly refers to its upper and lower parts and working mechanism. But also it relates to its movable slider, which has become a “focus” in recent years. Because of its importance in the production process and function performance.
  • Press brake machine hydraulic system has a super simple configuration. In this way you can reduce the pre-installation of the pipeline process to one-fifth. And the maintenance work will become mobile. It is reliable, safe and beautiful.

Types of Press Brake Tooling

There are essentially two categories of press brakes.

Electronic Press Brakes

An electric press brake has a motor directly linked to the bending mechanism rather than an operator having to switch it on and off. This allows for greater efficiency, mainly when operating a press brake that can make many bends in a single round.

Hydraulic Press Brakes

Hydraulic press brakes rely on oil-filled hydraulic cylinders to operate. They are the most potent mechanical press brakes and are often preferred for more extensive jobs. Because they can quickly cycle even large pieces of material. However, it is worth noting that this machine also tends to use more electricity and oil. And it is less energy efficient.

How Press Brake Tooling works

Press brake systems are a great way to cut metal. They use rollers and a series of rollers to generate a horizontal force that is about the same as the sheet metal or plate material during manufacture.

  • The press brake system uses a vacuum to pull on the sheet metal to create multiple points of contact with the metal stock. It helps prevent warping.
  • A press brake system has a frame supporting the roller, moving side to side as the roller rotates.
  • A power source drives the rollers and causes them to turn. The material to be bent is fed through the machine.
  • The pressure on the fuselage is released, causing it to flatten out. And as a result, the material automatically turns into the desired shape.
Press Brake Tooling

How to choose Press Brake Tooling Machine

A small metal bending machine will do just fine if you’re a beginner. However, if you are looking for a metal press that can handle medium-sized and even high-end metal bending jobs, then you’re going to want to look at more giant metal bending machines. But before you start keep the below points in your mind.

Base size

The base size of your press brake is essential to consider. For example, the bed length between the two arms is known as the “base length.” Typically, a smaller base is better for working with thinner sheet metal up to 22 gauge (0.036 inches).

Choose specific model

The primary purpose of purchasing a specific model of sheet metal press is to meet your demand in terms of sheet dimensions, thickness, and material grade. Moreover, you need to pay attention to the material you are using the press brake tool and buy accordingly.

Affordability and Quality check

Press brake tooling price is essential. Because it may decide how long your press brakes will be functional before requiring maintenance or a complete overhaul. Sometimes old tooling also may cause more damage to the structure of your press brake. So it’s good to go with newly manufactured tooling, which can reduce your maintenance costs in the future.

Strength and Power of machinery

Press brake tool’s strength is essential to check before buying. Because when a master would say something like “the quality does not match the price”, it will hurt your market presence. Moreover, It is a matter of decisive factor on this product, and Different quality tools have different price tags!

Final Note

Ultimately, purchasing press brake tooling for your business is an investment in your company’s future. There are other bending sheet and plate materials options, but very few of them have the speed and power of a press brake. Therefore, having the proper press brake tooling for your manufacturing business will allow you to achieve its maximum potential.

Delahenty Machinery – Get robust Press Brake Tooling 

Delahenty Machinery is the leading provider of press brake tooling in Australia by offering the highest quality, durable and reliable products on the market. When you need high precision, entry-level machining, and material handling at a cost-effective price, there’s no better place to go. Contact us for more details.  

4 Reasons why you should consider Used Machinery Tools in Australia

Used Industrial Equipment

When it comes to buying and selling used machinery tools, the words that come to mind are; high quality, cost-effective and the variety you’ll find on these machines will be outstanding.

If you have a construction business or a small manufacturing unit, investing in machinery isn’t just necessary; it is also essential. It helps ensure the efficiency of your workers and the pace of projects at hand. Below are four reasons you should consider working with Used Machinery Tools in Australia.

Reasons to count on Used Machinery Tools in Australia.

Used machinery tools are economical

Second-hand machinery tools provide a cost-effective alternative to buying new machinery. These used machinery tools often come at lower prices than new machinery for sale, but the quality remains the same and most performances.

used industrial equipment

Fewer costs to maintain your used equipment 

Some folks were hesitant to embrace the notion of purchasing used industrial equipment. Don’t be one of them. Finding used equipment that has been maintained properly can allow you to avoid maintenance costs, which benefits all parties involved – the owner, manager, end-user and our company.

Spare parts are easy to source.

The best thing about used machinery is that their spare parts are easy to source and less expensive. You will get plenty of options for your machines and tools in online markets at competitive rates.

Get Faster Return on Investment

The initial equipment purchase can be expensive, but buying used industrial equipment and machinery can save you upfront. With used equipment, you can save the headache of construction delays and extra overhead expenses. It is a way to ensure you get a faster return on your investment.

Final Note

When you buy used machinery tools, look out for the essential features you require. Ensure that you are getting your money’s worth from the equipment you choose to buy. Also, understand that the person selling you these machinery tools will have experience handling them. So that when you are stuck with machinery features, they can help.

You can consult with a professional machinery dealer also. Their expert advice will ensure that you make an informed decision about your purchase.

used industrial equipment

About Delahenty Machinery

Delahenty Machinery provide used machinery and service and support also for machinery. We have expertise in sales of second-hand machinery, and we also offer service, repair and maintenance services. Our objective is to aid the best possible technical, economical solutions. We always have the latest and the best machines, which, combined with our professionalism in equipment maintenance and modernisation, characterise us as one of the few leading companies in Australia.

Get in touch with our experts.

Wiper Dies: Innovative, Multi-Functional Pipe Bending Tool

Solid Wiper Dies

Evolutionary changes in the plumbing industry have led to the development of multiple types of pipes and pipe fittings. Due to this evolution, plumbers have found themselves struggling with the issue of less time. Because pipes come in all shapes and sizes. Each set requires a different bending method, which increases the work time and leads to the wastage of resources. And this is how Wiper Dies came into the picture. Wiper Dies is a new, patented multi-functional pipe bending tool designed to permanently fix and correct damaged or misaligned pipes. This article discusses everything about this tool in detail.

What is a Wiper Die?

Wiper dies are an improvement over the previous manual method which involved bending pipes using hammers and presses. It is a type of bending tool that helps minimise the build up of dirt and other debris. These dies are relatively inexpensive and easy to install but can make a big difference in your cleaning process. They work on the same principle as any other type of bending dies. But they perform a special function that helps in enhancing the quality of bends. These dies possess wiper blades and grooves with unique designs for bending pipe joints.

Wiper Dies

What are the benefits of Wiper Dies in pipe bending?

Well, if there is one phrase that you should become familiar with when dealing with windshield wipers it is “quality product.” This couldn’t especially be more true when it comes to wiper blades and the companies that deal in these products.

A wiper dies is a type of forming tool that removes, scrapes, and smooths metal while it forms a bend of the material. The term “wiper” dies used to describe the function and how it acts during the process of pipe bending. These tools are designed in several ways, depending on whether they are used in flat or round metal piping. You can use wiper dies with air, hydraulics, or simply powered by hand power. Their uses include long-radius and short-radius bends in small- to large-diameter pipes as well as flares and unions.

How Wiper Dies Work in Pipe Bending Process

Wiper dies is used in the pipe bending process with good effect. Wiper dies is one of the most important parts of a pipe bending machine that bends a round bar, oval bar into any angle and round or angle steel into regular, irregular and special shapes, such as U-shape, T-shape or Z-shape or compound angles like elbows, tees. The die body has fitted with a mould. The mould has fitted on the slide guide. The slide is worked by a segmental rack and pinion mechanism. When the bending dies to move forward to the working position(to the upper position), the guide rod will be pulled down and the mould will strike on the workpiece to bend the workpiece.

A four-stroke oil pump pumps oil under high pressure into the cylinder and then force the piston to move forward to punch out a piece of rubber wiper or ring wiper placed between two dies. So that when dies make contact with the workpiece, the rubber ring will soften the impact energy effectively and make the bending surface smooth automatically; also when dies to meet no resistance in process of bending process, the spring inside dies will connect sliding plate of bending mould to retract back returning to initial position automatically; so that you can bend pipes stably and repeatedly.

Delahenty Machinery

We are the leading manufacturer of the wiper dies for pipe bending. We offer wiper dies for carbon steel pipe bend, stainless steel pipe bend and aluminium pipe bend with different types. For more information about our products, please contact us by email or click here.

All you need to know about Aluminium


Aluminium is a desirable product because of its superior mechanical capabilities and innumerable advantages. It is a vital tool and offers excellent machinability like easy to penetrate, easy to shape, faster than iron, steel etc. Preferably, people use Aluminium sheets in machinery in the automotive, aerospace, healthcare and electronics spheres.

Here we will discuss the vital benefits of Aluminium -what is Aluminium used for and alternatives you can use on behalf of Aluminium.

Advantages of Aluminium 

Easy to use material 

Machinist manufacturing, business orders, and end-to-end user parts are eventually helpful for all these aspects. Even, Engineers prefer Aluminium due to its seamlessness while manufacturing machinery.

Aluminium is easy to shape and can be cut quickly and accurately for machine tools. Yet because of these qualities, Aluminium offers excellent outcomes, such as

  • Lesser labour in producing machinery results in less time you need to operate the machine. This way you save time, money, electricity and extra effort.
  • Good machinability means minor deformation of the part. Because the cutting tool goes through the workpiece, enabling the machine to get tighter tolerances and give rise to accuracy and repeatability.

Confrontation to corrosion

Aluminium grades have some differences In terms of their corrosion resistance. In other words, Aluminium differs the degree to which they are used to withstand oxidization and chemical damage.

So, When you use strong aluminium alloys, they may be less resistant to corrosion because of alloyed copper constraints. On the other hand, when you use lower strength aluminium alloy, they offer more corrosion resistance. Moreover, it differs product per product what and how an engineer wants to produce.

Powerful physical properties

Aluminium has an alluring strength-to-weight ratio that makes it perfect for mechanical. It is ideal for those who need machinery for the aerospace and automotive industries. From aircraft fittings to automotive shafts, Aluminium can be successfully used.

Strong electrical conductivity

Due to good electrical conductivity, Aluminium is generally helpful in electrical components. Although it is not as conductive as copper, pure Aluminium has about 37.7 siemens per meter at room temperature as electrical conductivity. Moreover, aluminium materials are more conductive than stainless steel.

Highly recyclable

Last but not least benefit is that Aluminium is highly recyclable. That is the reason behind manufacture who want to reduce harmful impact on the environment, material wastage and save some expenditure prefer Aluminium over other machinery production materials.

Use of Aluminium in industries

The uses of aluminium alloy are pretty diverse. While some are obvious, general and known, some are not well-known and obscure. While roaming around your place, you can count innumerable items which contain Aluminium. Want to know more? Here you go.

Construction Industry

Because it is lightweight and relatively inexpensive construction industry use aluminium largely. Manufacture cut, bend, weld, and mould it to build a variety of solutions such as skylights, eaves, shutters, doors, railing, wiring, and much more.

Packaging Industry

It is majorly used in food and beverages packaging. Aluminium sheets keep food clean and safe from harmful elements as it is waterproof. Aluminium oxide is not destructing and is resistant to corrosion too. Moreover, it has no toxic elements and does not affect the taste or smell of food or beverages in stores. The aluminium sheet can pack cans, bottle caps, trays and much more.



Transport Industry

Aluminium sheets play a vital role in the transportation industry. It is a precious asset in manufacturing cars, boats, trains and aircraft. The reason behind the use of Aluminium in transport vehicles is that Aluminium is light and needs less energy and effort to move, and it is also vital to stand up to the tasks at hand.

Wrapping up

Aluminium has several unique benefits that make it a key element in manufacturing. Its relatively low cost, lightweight, and special packaging properties make it a versatile option for an array of manufacturers and industries.

We at Delahenty Machinery assist with Aluminium pieces of machinery like CNC Machining, Double Head Sawing Machines and Sawing Machines. Contact us for more details.

How to solve common problems related to CNC Mandrel Pipe Bender

CNC Mandrel Pipe Bender

There are several advantages when you bend pipe and tube with the help of a CNC mandrel. Such as, It helps to prevent spring back, which can be huge without a CNC mandrel. Somehow, like any other bending method, the CNC mandrel pipe bender process unfolds unique issues that can occur.

This blog will discuss common CNC mandrel pipe bending problems and the easy and seamless way to solve them with a particular setup and specifications.

cnc mandrel pipe bender

General problems you face during CNC mandrel pipe bending

The issue with the Pipe bending process

To get the perfect bend, all you need to do first is check the mandrel position and shift the mandrel back from the tangent. Move mandrel until the hump goes away. In case if it does not work, you can ensure the free movement of the pressure die. You need to keep a check on the forces on the pressure die.

It may be possible that it also does not work. Then you need to check the mandrel ball size if it is correct as per bending specification or not. If it is not, adjust the size as per the bending need. The final solution we have is when all these methods do not work. You need to check that the CNC mandrel pipe bending process is suitable for the pipe material you are using. It can be the cause of not getting a perfect bend.

The issue of pipe collapse

CNC mandrel pipe bender has several advantages. Such as, It helps to prevent spring back, which can be huge without a CNC mandrel.

Thirdly, Check how many mandrel balls you are using for the CNC mandrel pipe bending process and how much you should use. In case if all these parts are working correctly and sufficient for the application. Then observe the drag and adjust it as needed.

Delahenty Machinery 

We are here to help you with powerful machinery for pipe bending. With a range of brands like CNC, YLM and much more, Delahenty machinery only delivers good products. Contact us for more details. 

Mandrel Pipe Bender – Types, How it Works and Advantages

Mandrel Pipe Bender

Mandrel pipe bender is a standard bending solution currently used by many manufacturing industries. From diverse applications to automotive exhaust, exercise equipment, and aerospace, mandrel bending is a one-stop solution for almost all bending journeys.

Mandrel Pipe Bending Machines

Types of Mandrel Pipe Benders

  • Plug Mandrel Pipe BendersPlug mandrel prevents the pipe from flattening, wrinkles or kinks in the process of bending. It is easy to maintain and cost-savvy also.
  • Form Mandrel -When more support is needed, we opt for a Form mandrel. It helps the pipe to get a proper and perfect curve.
  • Ball Mandrel – It is used to support the pipe beyond the tangent. Ball mandrel helps in the critical and precise bending process.
  • Sand Mandrel – We use this mandrel to prevent the pipe from collapsing and retain the pipe’s contrariety during bending. In this, we stuff pipe from both ends and apply heat to make it pliable.

How Mandrel Pipe Bender works

A mandrel pipe bender is the same as a regular tube bender. We place the mandrel in a pipe or tube at the point of the bend. We have some different types of mandrels, but we use a straight rod that contains many flexible balls most of the time.

Before bending the pipe, our selected mandrel needs to match the pipe’s diameter. And it should be up to 1.5 times the diameter of the pipe. Then Use a soft mandrel if you are bending hard tubing and a hard mandrel if you are bending soft tubing.

It is how the process begins. Once the mandrel is placed inside the pipe, we push the pipe against the former diet with pressure, and the wiper dies to get the required angle.

The whole purpose of using a mandrel pipe or tube bender is to keep away wrinkling concerns in bending.  With more pressure on the pipe, you can almost eliminate the risk of wrinkling in pipe or tube bending

However, if you still face the same problem, you need to take these steps into cogitation.

  • Check the mandrel insertion rate
  • The amount of lubrication you use
  • Check the condition of the wiper die
  •  Or maybe, Wrong mandrel for the type of pipe metal

These points will be a problem solver for your bending the pipe. Moreover, you should know that Mandrel pipe benders cannot help with the rebounding process like other pipe benders.


Mandrel Pipe Bender

Benefits of using Mandrel pipe or tube bender

Mandrel pipe bending offers several advantages. Out of them, one of the best advantages is it supports pipe or tube during their bending approach. Mandrel pipe bending helps in averting the most common problems and issues related to pipe or tube bending.

It is a specific type of pipe bending machine that maintains the pipe bending diameter. Primarily, we use mandrel pipe benders to prevent it from flattening and other general bending problems, such as wrinkles, buckling and kinks. This machinery gives support to the pipe and grips it energetically in the groove of the bend die.

Get Robust Mandrel Pipe Benders at Delahenty Machinery

We are at Delahenty Machinery, established in Melbourne. We specialize in tube manipulation and cutting machinery for various industries, including defence, shipbuilding, furniture, caravan, construction, playground, automotive, HVAC, truck, tram and bus.

Contact us for more details. 

Things to keep in mind Before the Pipe Bending process

Pipe Bending

Not Art and Science serve alone; Patience must in work be shown. 

Well said. As an Australian machinery manufacturing owner, the first thing that comes into my mind after reading this is the Pipe Bending process. In my experience, bending pipes and tubes contain both science and arts. And with a bit of patience, you can get good quality results. 

At the start, we went through a lot of trial and error, but ultimately, we succeeded. And it was necessary also because now my team and I know the preeminent things you should keep in your mind before the pipe bending process.

I am mentioning some knowledgeable points that will help you and your team command pipe and tube bending skills.

Pipe Bending

Consider these essential points before bending tubes and pipes. 

Choose the angle for pipe bending wisely.

Generally, when you bend a tube or pipe to a certain degree, it will try to come back to its original shape and will get success with 3 to 4 degrees. Let’s say if you bend a pipe at 60 degrees, it will rebound a few degrees less than 60 degrees in some time. So, to get a perfect bend of 60 degrees, bend the pipe at 63 degrees. In this way, you will get a robust and elite desired angle of 60 degrees. 

Use mandrel to avert flat toned bend.

Do you know about Flat toned Bend? A Flat toned bend contains a thinner tube wall, and the radius of the curve becomes tighter. The reason behind this bend is the outside wall of the pipe which is not thick enough to support itself in the bending process and ends up with collapses. 

Ball and Plug mandrel can help you with a flat toned bend. You can put this inside the pipe and allow the tube during the bending process. Simple plug mandrels or segmented ball type mandrels can be used. 

Use wiper dies to avert buckling and wrinkling. 

Generally, as a manufacturer, we all face thin walls and minor bend radii issues while bending pipes and tubes. I have a solution for this problem. Try wiper die to prevent buckling and wrinkling in turning. You just need to place the wiper die in the back of the bend die using its tip at the tangent point. When the wiper dies encountering the friction force during the bending process, it gets operationally compatible with tubing material. This is how the use of wiper die material can lead to pleasing after unnumbered bending cycles. 

Apply sufficient clamping pressure

Immense pressure in the pipe bending process plays an important role. Specifically, the tube can slip in the clamp die in an old set of tools if you put little pressure. As a result, you can get unpleasant deformations like kinks and wrinkles inside of the bend and will get a useless workpiece. Therefore, it is essential to put much pressure on pipe bending tools to prevent wrinkles.  

pipe bending

Delahenty Machinery: Bend your tubes and pipes with our best tools

We understand the need for robust and seamless machinery. That is why we offer you.

  • Solid Wiper Dies
  • Tip Style Wiper Dies
  • Mandrel Links and Balls
  • MACKMA and YLM pipe bending machines

Check our website and contact us for more details. 

Four mistakes to avoid when buying Tube Bending Machine

Powerful Bending Machine

Buying a tube bending machine was an arduous task for a manufacturing industry owner earlier. Nowadays, you can quickly get these bending equipment at various designs and prices. But because of ignorance to cost saving for other unidentified reasons, entrepreneurs generally make the wrong decision while buying tube bending machines.

Ideally, if you are an entrepreneur, you should know that the right tube bending machines are essential for good quality bends. A small mistake may lead to lousy quality bends, which endanger the application that uses them. And most importantly, these mistakes can end up in a bad reputation for your company. Here we introduce you to some other common mistakes that you should avoid while using a tube bending machine.

Four mistakes to avoid when buying Tube Bending Machine

Four things to keep in mind before buying Tube Bending Machine

A powerful bending machine is a priority.

Monetary investment is one of the essential considerations when buying a tube bending machine. Yet, it would help if you focused more on the quality and seamlessness of machinery than the price you need to pay. Specifications of the tube, Precision required, Rigidity or softness of tubes and Usage interval of the machine are essential things you should care about more than the cost of machinery.

Check machinery features

There are so many machines available of various brands. But they may have different features. Here you need to understand their characteristics and seamlessness before selecting tube bending machinery. Firstly, analyze multiple risks and challenges you can face while using these machineries. Then it would be best if you opted for it.

Use a bending machine till suggested capacity.

There are so many grades of steel that have different tolerance capacities. So, It is advised not to use the tube bending machine to its maximum. Otherwise, It can lend you with so many problems with machinery. Delahanty machinery advises you to buy a tube bending machine that offers 10 to 20 per cent leeway.

Choose machinery as per bending.

You can get manual pipe bending machines at affordable prices. But if you are buying it to save money, then it will bring bad results. You need to check the bending volume and then decide whether you should take manual tube bending machines or automatic tube bending machines.

Benefits of CNC Tube Bending Machine
YLM All electric L&R smart turn tube bender CNC20MS-RLP-AE-7A

Buy robust tube bending machines on Delahanty Machinery

It has been more than 55 years since Delahanty Machinery is offering good quality tube bending machines. You can buy any tube bender machine at affordable prices, from full-electric tube benders to semi-auto tube benders. Contact us for more details.